The Silent Killer of women's dreams
There’s a new sickness spreading through society. Most women aren’t aware of it, or that they might have it too.
It leaves you feeling tired, like you’re lacking vitality.
It dries up your creativity and drains your confidence.
It makes you feel sad, or angry, or like something’s missing.
And it stirs up a yearning, a desire for something that you can’t put your finger on, then watches as your life swiftly and silently passes you by like a chilly winter wind ruffling your hair.
But it’s not a virus.
This is what it feels like to live without your inner motivational fire.
And sadly, most people live their whole lives without ever truly awakening their fire.
Perhaps you stumble from one thing to another without feeling any deep sense of satisfaction or fulfillment. Perhaps you wonder if the next job… or the next relationship… or the next house… or the next holiday… or the next achievement… will finally give you the confidence and peace of mind you’re longing for.
But it never comes.
Because you’re living by default, following the safe path that society has laid out for you. You’re living according to the values society has imposed on you.
Not your own. In fact…
Here's why most women don't achieve their goals
It’s simply because they set goals that aren’t aligned with their core values.
And sure, it’s not a bad life.
But it’s not the life they’d dreamed of when they were younger. In fact, they don’t really have dreams anymore. There’s just bills to pay, jobs to do, and responsibilities to carry around like a stack of books in a child’s school backpack.
Then suddenly, in a quiet moment - perhaps in the middle of the night - you wonder…
Where have the years gone… And when will your time come?
You’re ready and willing to discover your true purpose and passions for this next stage of your life.
So perhaps you start taking action. Perhaps you start making a positive change for your health, like exercising, or drinking less, or cutting back on Netflix. But between juggling all your other responsibilities it can feel like fighting an uphill battle.
Or perhaps you start a side-hustle to try and create more money and time freedom for you and your family. But somehow it ends up draining your bank account and spare time to the point where you wonder if it’s even worth it and perhaps you ought to just stick at your day job.
It’s almost enough to drive you wild with frustration and despair, knowing in your heart that you’re destined for more but without a clear pathway to create the magical life you see for yourself.
This can end now.
I'll show you the exact 3-step process I take my clients through to discover their core values and align their goals so they can level up in health & performance.
Click the button below to get started.
Hi, I'm jen
I'm a PhD health scientist and coach.
I help ambitious women over 40 reignite their inner motivational fire so they can level up their health and performance.
In my 17-year career as a physiotherapist, researcher and health coach, one question has bugged me over and over again…
How do you motivate someone to make a positive change in their life?
Because here’s the thing. Just about everyone knows WHAT they need to do to improve their life. They usually know HOW to do it. They even know WHEN they want to do it.
They’re just missing one very important thing. Their ‘why’.
And this is a big problem. Because without a powerful ‘why’, changing your behaviour is nearly impossible.
Because your WHY is what ignites your motivational fire.
But it wasn’t until I lost my own motivation for myself that I finally understood why starting a new habit is so damn hard.
When I found myself standing at the edge of the lake near my house, thinking about how it would feel to just walk in and never come out again, I knew something had to change.
At the time I had two young kids and felt completely burnt out. My body was a mess. I felt tired all the time, my brain was in a fog and I was carrying an extra 10kg.
I felt like my best days were behind me.
Somehow in the early years of becoming a mum, I had completely lost sight of myself. I realised I had been living my life for the approval of others.
And in the process, I had let my inner fire - that burning passion I had when I was young & energetic working towards my goals - go out.
That crunch point sparked the beginning of my quest to rediscover what ignites my inner motivational fire.
Since then, I’ve published over 60 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals…
I’ve travelled around Australia for two years with my husband and kids…
I’ve discovered a new level of mind & body freedom for myself (I’m now approaching 40 and I’m in the best shape of my life)…
I’ve coached over 100 other women to achieve their health goals…
And now I’m on a mission to help other women reignite their motivational fire so that they can claim back their health and unfurl their true selves.
So if you’re done with putting yourself last on your priority list and are ready to awaken your hidden confidence, I invite you to my free guide on ‘Values-Aligned Goal Setting’.
If you can give yourself half an hour, I’ll show you how to align your values with your goals so you can truly optimise your health and performance.
Click below to get started.