Free Guide! Learn the secrets of
values-aligned goal setting
Discover my simple yet powerful 3-step process to discover your core values and achieve your health goals.
3 steps to confidence
In this free guide I'll walk you through the same steps I use with my coaching clients to get clear on their core values and awaken their motivational fire to achieve their goals.

Step 1: Rank Your Values
Discover the 27 common human values and how to decide what really matters to you.

Step 2. Recognise Your Motivation
Identify your hidden motivators so that you can apply these to creating your new healthy habits that stick.

Step 3. Realign Your Goals
Learn my evidence-based strategy to setting health goals that you not only achieve but ENJOY!

In this free guide you'll learn...
The four motivation “quadrants” – and how to spot which one you’re in
How to insert yourself into the highest form of motivation so that achieving your goals feels effortless and fun
The 21 core values that are common to all human cultures – and how to work out your top three
How to spot your own “values dissonance” PLUS how to fix it so you can live in flow
The four types of strengths that you can draw on to maximise your success (this works for any kind of goal, whether it’s for your health, wealth or your performance)
The 3 biggest barriers to achieving any goal plus a simple, fool-proof strategy to cancel out each one
Hi! I'm Jen.
I'm a PhD health scientist and coach.
​I help women reignite their inner fire so they can level up their health and performance.
In my 17-year career as a physiotherapist, researcher and health coach, one question has bugged me over and over again…
How do you motivate someone to make a positive change in their life?
Here’s the thing. Just about everyone knows WHAT they need to do to improve their life. They usually know HOW to do it. They even know WHEN they want to do it.
They’re just missing one very important thing. Their ‘why’.
And this is a big problem. Because without a powerful ‘why’, changing your behaviour is nearly impossible.
Because your WHY is what ignites your motivational fire.
But it wasn’t until I lost my own motivation for myself that I finally understood why starting a new habit is so damn hard.
When I found myself standing at the edge of the lake near my house, thinking about how it would feel to just walk in and never come out again, I knew something had to change.
At the time I had two young kids and felt completely burnt out. My body was a mess. I felt tired all the time, my brain was in a fog and I was carrying an extra 10kg.
I felt like my best days were behind me.
Somehow in the early years of becoming a mum, I had completely lost sight of myself. I realised I had been living my life for the approval of others.
And in the process, I had let my inner fire - that burning passion I had when I was young & energetic working towards my goals - go out.
That crunch point sparked the beginning of my quest to rediscover what ignites my inner motivational fire.
Since then, I’ve published over 60 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals…
I’ve travelled around Australia for two years with my husband and kids…
I’ve coached over 100 women to achieve their health goals…
And now I’m on a mission to help other women reignite their motivational fire so that they can claim back their health and unfurl their true selves.
So if you’re done with putting yourself last on your priority list and are ready to awaken your hidden confidence, click below to download your free guide.
If you can give yourself half an hour, I’ll show you how to align your values with your goals so you can truly optimise your health and performance.
I hope you can join me,